
Historical Realtime Visualization


This project is a historical visualization of castle Burg Giebichenstein in Halle Germany, showing five different time periods from construction to desctruction and excavation. It was created during my Multimedia|VR-Design Bachelor graduation at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design.
It was designed as a touch table application, all age groups and for the usage in a museum. The user can easily navigate and interact with the scene, e.g. choose individual buidings or choose between 5 time states. At every time the user gets detailed information about time periods and buildings.


Models and Textures were all created by myself. For some base textures I used textures.com. Photoshop and Bitmap2Material were used to create all texture maps.
The entire interactive part was realized with the help of the Unreal Engine 4 and its Blueprint System.

Historical Accuracy

The source of my information is based on excavations back in the 90's. Because of the total destruction during the thirty years war and the following misuse as a stone quarry, the historians could only guess former buildings by the foundation walls and assign them to the accompanying time period.
Due to the lack of information I was forced to compare each time period with similar castles and then adopt and interpret the missing parts. This visualization should therfore be seen as a popular scientific work.

Isolate View of the Gate Tower
Isolate View of the Residential Tower
Isolate View of the Palas
Undeveloped castle rock
Romanic Period
Gothic Period
Destruction during Thirty Years War
The castle today
The castle buildings during the romanic period
Oberburg Application in Action